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Bello, Andrés

Index: Funes el memorioso, Ficciones, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 487. Indagación de la palabra, CQ,Cervantes y el Quijote. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2005. 111. Indagación de la palabra, IA,El idioma de los argentinos. Buenos Aires: M. Gleizer, 1928. 14. Otra vez la metáfora, IA,El idioma de los argentinos. Buenos Aires: M. Gleizer, 1928. 58-59.

Venezuelan philosopher, grammarian and poet, 1781-1865

Fishburn and Hughes: "A Chilean politician, poet and grammarian, considered a master of the Spanish language. In his Gramática de la lengua castellaña (1847) Bello systematised Spanish grammar according to common usage rather than Latin rules. The work is still influential. A Neoclassicist, Bello engaged in a protracted polemic against Sarmiento's Romanticism and introduced Locke, Berkeley and Mill to South America.

Examples of Bello's proposed spelling changes may be found in Borges's quotation from Sarmiento's Recuerdos de provincia (Pról. 131)." (25)