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Index: El Zahir; Abenjacán el Bojarí, muerto en su laberinto. El Cantar de los Nibelungos, Literaturas germánicas medievales, OCC,Obras completas en colaboración. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1979. 912. Las sagas, Literaturas germánicas medievales, OCC,Obras completas en colaboración. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1979. 939. Ulrica, LA,El libro de arena. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1975. 30. La memoria de Shakespeare, MS,La memoria de Shakespeare. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2019. 53.

Nigelungen, evil family possessing a magic hoard of gold in Germanic myth and literature

Fishburn and Hughes: "In the Norse sagas and German legend, a race of dwarfs named after Nibelung, their king. They become the possessors of the golden treasure that brings about the downfall of their people and their gods. Borges wrote on the Song of the Nibelungs in Lit. germ., 89-97. See Fafnir." (139)