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Mongols (Mogoles)

Index: Historia del guerrero y la cautiva.

Fishburn and Hughes: "A general term for an important Asiatic ethnic group. It probably derives from mong, meaning 'brave': bravery, accompanied by ruthlessnesss, was one of the chief qualities of the Mongols. Riding from the deserts of north and central Asia, the Mongols spread through Asia into eastern Europe. By 1227, on the death of their ruler Genghis Khan, their dominion extended from the banks of the Dnieper to the China Sea. The empire was then ruled by the great Kubla Khan and his successors, men of culture and taste who ruled China and fostered the growth of the arts and literature. The emperor Buyantu, for example, is renowned for rescuing inscriptions of the Chow dynasty and placing them at the gate of the temple of Confucius in Peking. Unable to consolidate its command over its conquered peoples, the Mongol empire disintegrated. By the seventeenth century the Chinese emperor invaded Mongolia and the power of some tribes decayed; others became subject to Russia." (133)