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Heidegger, Martin

Index: Nota sobre (hacia) Bernard Shaw, Otras inquisiciones, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 749. El duelo, El informe de Brodie, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 1057.

German philosopher, 1889-1976, author of Sein und Zeit and other works. 

Fishburn and Hughes: "A German philosopher who influenced Existentialism. Borges criticises Heidegger's philosophy as one which 'plays at desperation and anguish' but basically aims at enhancing the importance of the 'ego' and flattering its 'vanity' (‘Note on Bernard Shaw’, Other Inq. 166). Elsewhere he belittles Heidegger's achievement: 'He invented one of the German dialects, but nothing else' (Borges mem. 78). CF 391: The sentiments attributed to Heidegger's 'refutation' can be traced to his Rektoratsrede, where he demonstrates his warm reception of National Socialism, emphasising its ideas of strong, even violent, personal leadership. Heidegger speaks of a people knowing itself and discovering its own essence in the state. He places the statesman among his list of genuine creators, demanding of his leadership 'the strength to be able to walk alone'. The suggestion of Hitlerian demagoguery echoes Heidegger's words (Freiburger Studentenzeitung, Nov.3, 1933): 'The Führer himself and he alone is the German reality of today and for the future, and its law.' In later years Heidegger repudiated this position." (87)