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Francisco de Sales, San

Index: Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote, Ficciones, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 446. Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote, CQ,Cervantes y el Quijote. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2005. 39.

French priest, bishop and doctor of the church, 1567-1622.

Fishburn and Hughes: "A French Jesuit theologian who campaigned against the Calvinists and became bishop of Geneva. Canonised in 1665, Francis of Sales was author of the immensely popular Introduction à la vie dévote (Introduction to a Devout Life) (1609), a religious work attempting to reconcile Christian and secular values, which was translated into all the main European languages. Quevedo's Spanish translation appeared in 1634 (see Obras Completas, ed L. Astrana Marín, 1963, vol.1,1370 ff)." (74)