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<--1972 1974-->


Resignation as the director of the National Library when Peronism returns to power. Donation to the National Library of part of his library, now annotated in Borges, libros y lecturas (2010). Travels to Madrid and Mexico City; receives the Premio Alfonso Reyes. La Nación dedicates a supplement to the fiftieth anniversary of Fervor de Buenos Aires.


Borges visits Spain and Mexico.

Historical Context

Héctor J. Cámpora, candidate of a Peronist-led coalition (FREJULI) elected president.  Definitive  return of Perón to Argentina. Shootings and assassinations between Montoneros and right-wing Peronists.  Cámpora resigns to allow Perón to run for the Presidency. Perón elected for a third term. His third wife María E. Martínez (‘Isabelita’) elected vice-President.       


  • Destino y obra de Camoens. Buenos Aires: Jockey Club, 1973. 16 pp. [Offprint from the Boletín de la Biblioteca del Jockey Club 51 (January 1973). Transcript of a talk given at the Jockey Club on 15 July 1972. Included in Páginas de Jorge Luis Borges seleccionadas por el autor.]
  • Cuentos breves y extraordinarios. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1973. [Reprint of 1955 anthology compiled with Bioy Casares.]

Periodical Publications

  • [Del director de la Biblioteca Nacional.] Clarín (10 March 1973), p. 6. 
  • El suicidaCuadernos Hispanoamericanos 274 (April 1973), p. 5. 
  • El sueño. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 274 (April 1973), p. 6. 
  • Yo. La Nación (3 June 1973), third section, p. 1.
  • Nueve monedas. La Prensa (19 August 1973), p. 3. 
  • 1923 - 1973. La Nación (30 December 1973), third section, p. 1.


  • Una versión de Borges. Sara Facio y Alicia D'Amico. Retratos y autorretrato. Buenos Aires, Crisis, 1973. [Included in Páginas de Jorge Luis Borges seleccionadas por el autor, 1982.]
  • Prólogo. Fernando Sorrentino. Siete conversaciones con Jorge Luis Borges. Buenos Aires: Casa Pardo, 1973.


  • Burgin, Richard. Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges. London: Souvenir, 1973. [New edition] 
  • El culto rendido por BorgesHomenaje a Baruch Spinoza. Buenos Aires: Museo Judío, 1976. pp. 49-51
    • Hanson: The dialogue from a recording made in 1973 in which Borges responds to questions about Spinoza.
  • Duelo Cavero, C. El ingenioso Jorge Luis BorgesEl Libro Español 188 (1973), pp. 453-55.
    • Hanson: This article was written while Borges was in Spain and quotes him on Spanish authors, Don Quijote, Spain, the Nobel Prize, death, fame, and psychoanalysis.
  • Guibert, Rita. Jorge Luis BorgesSeven Voices: Seven Latin American Writers Talk to Rita Guibert. New York: Knopf, 1973. pp. 75-117.
    • Hanson: In this extensive interview Borges gives paragraph-length responses. His answers towards the end are typical of Borges when he assumes control of the conversation. He speaks on many themes, such as: the United States, hippies, capitalism, nationality, milongas, gauchos, film, the Nobel Prize, Latin American writers, Spanish literature, politics, and Russia.
  • Oppenheimer, Andrés, and Jorge Lafforgue. El pensamiento vivo de Jorge Luis BorgesSiete Días [Buenos Aires] (29 April 1973), pp. 55-59. [Included in El otro Borges: Entrevistas (1960 – 1986). Comp. Fernando Mateo. Buenos Aires: Equis, 1997. pp. 49-63.]
    • Hanson: A very witty interview in which Borges purposefully gives preposterous answers and plays with the interviewer. He discusses recent elections in Argentina, Perón, suffrage, Cortázar, Marechal, Indians, the conquest, Blacks, the role of women, psychoanalysis, and money. Borges ends the interview by commenting that the interviewers take him too seriously.
  • Algañaraz, Julio. Todo España dijo, de pie, ‘Borges es el más grande.’ Gente [?] (May 1973), pp. 4-7.
    • Hanson: More of an article written about Borges’s visit to Madrid than an interview. However, it does quote Borges on Spain, the Quijote, the Nobel Prize, and Spanish authors.
  • Vázquez, María Esther. Borges igual a sí mismoVeinticinco agosto 1983 y otros cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges: volumen en honor de J. L. Borges. By Jorge Luis Borges. Madrid: Siruela, 1983. pp. 53-106.
    • Hanson: This April 1973 interview took place in the Biblioteca Nacional in Buenos Aires and this printing of it is “una transcripción directa de la grabación magnetofónica” (55). A gripping interview that touches on Borges’s early years, his early contact with literature, his adolescence in Europe, German literature, his work, themes typical in Borges (labyrinths, mirrors, tigers, etc.), politics, awards he has received, Nordic languages, his virtues, defects, music, paintings, and death.


  • Michel Berveiller. Le Cosmopolitisme de Jorge Luis Borges. Paris: Didier, 1973.
  • J. M. Cohen. Jorge Luis Borges. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd.


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