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<--1962 1964-->


Trip to Europe with his mother, visiting England, Scotland, France, Switzerland and Spain. Receives doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá and speaks in Medellín.


Borges visits Bogotá, Medellín and London for speaking engagements.

Historical Context

Arturo Illia, candidate of the Radical party, elected president.


  • Evaristo Carriego. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1963. 175 pp. [Second edition in the Obras completas series.]
  • Ficciones. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1963. 197 pp. [Fourth edition in the Obras completas series.]
  • El lenguaje de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1963. 197 pp. [With José Edmundo Clemente. Fourth edition in the Obras completas series. Included "El idioma de los argentinos" and "Las alarmas del doctor Américo Castro.]
  • Otro poema de los dones y tres sonetos. Buenos Aires: Juan Osvaldo Viviano, 1963. N.pag.
  • El Aleph. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1963. 173 pp. [Fourth edition in the Obras completas series.]
Periodical Publications
  • Fragmento. La Nación (6 January 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • Una rosa y Milton. La Nación (3 February 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • Sarmiento. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 160 (April 1963), p. 5. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • Leopoldo Lugones. Inter-American Review of Bibliography/Revista Inter-Americana de Bibliografía 13.2 (April-June 1963), pp. 137-46.
  • El despertar. La Nación (23 June 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • Buenos Aires. Cuadernos del Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura 75 (August 1963), p. 10. 
  • Lectores. Negro sobre blanco 29 (August 1963), p. 4. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • Buenos Aires. La Nación (11 August 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • La muerte de Leopoldo Lugones. Cuadernos del Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura 76 (September 1963), pp. 17-19.
  • Odisea, libro vigésimo terceroLa Nación (22 September 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • EvernessLa Nación (3 November 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • EwigkeitLa Nación (8 December 1963), fourth section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]
  • Edipo y el enigma. La Prensa (15 December 1963), second section, p. 1. [Poem included in El otro, el mismo.]


  • Prólogo. Evaristo Carriego. Versos de Carriego. Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1963, pp. 5-7. [Preface included in Prólogos.]
  • Carta-prólogo. Alvaro Menén Desleal. Cuentos breves y maravillosos. San Salvador: Ministerio de Educación, 1963. [Possibly apocryphal preface.]
  • Prólogo. Homenaje a Xul Solar 1887-1963. Buenos Aires: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1963. [Reprint of earlier preface to another Xul Solar exhibition.]
  • Preface. Giovanni Previtali. Ricardo Güiraldes and Don Segundo Sombra. Life and Works. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1963.


  • Núñez, Antonio. El perfil humano de Jorge Luis BorgesÍnsula 195 (1963), p. 5.
    • Hanson: A short interview that offers few insights into the life of Borges. Borges recounts basic known facts about himself and his family.
  • Neustadt, Bernardo. Reportaje ‘Al día siguiente.’ [unknown] (17 January 1963).
    • Hanson: Borges responds with humor to three questions on literatura comprometida, popular culture, and nationalism.
  • García Nieto, José. Jorge Luis Borges en EspañaMundo Hispánico 16 (March 1963), pp. 8-12.
    • Hanson: On the occasion of this interview, Borges was Spain by invitation of the Instituto de Cultura Hispánica. He praises Spain as well as some Spanish authors, such as Unamuno. He mentions his study of Old English, the publication and sale of his books, and expresses his admiration for Rubén Darío.
  • Peralta, Carlos. La electricidad de las palabrasMarcha [Montevideo] (August 1963).
    • Hanson: A unique interview because Peralta reads a list of 23 words and Borges responds with what first comes to mind for each one. The words are: “individual,” “species,” “God,” “poetry,” “communication,” “simplicity,” “solemnity,” “Buenos Aires,” “women,” “death,” “sun,” “celebrity,” “Uruguay,” “time,” “the West,” “kindness,” “hunger,” “fiction,” “science fiction,” “magic,” “Latin America,” “politics,” and “projects.”
  • ¿El Premio Nobel a mí? Debe de ser una bromaPanorama (September 1963), pp. 96-99.
    • Hanson: A unique article because it includes quotes from Borges, his mother, and his neighbors. Borges is quoted on his childhood, his father, his literary works, girlfriends, God, and politics.
  • Entrevista a Jorge Luis Borges (1963): La novela policialContratiempo: Revista de Pensamiento y Cultura 3.6 (Otoño-invierno): 2003.
    • Hanson: This interview offers a detailed but brief explanation of the detective novel and how Poe’s novels define the genre.
  • Alcorta, Gloria. Consagración en ParísLa Prensa (15 December 1963).
    • Hanson: In this interview Borges talks about his literary works, sports, love, immortality, and Buenos Aires



  • Conferencia sobre Leopoldo Lugones

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